Thursday, October 18, 2007

Before I Die

We as people live our life's choosing different things to or not to accomplish in our lives, whether we choose to or not to do something is totally up to us. We can choose our jobs, if we want to get married or have kids we can choose to or not do something. I believe that a persons worth is what they accomplish in there life which would help make peoples like around them. You can choose to do something important with your life or do nothing at all but whatever you choose to do it's your life no one can stop you.

Things I want to have or experience before death the end of my life

The first thing i would like to experience before my death is that i would like to go and visit different places in the world. There are namely five place i would like to see before i die but i would really want to see the land of my fathers before me i would like to go to Portugal for a short time. I believe that by going to different country's we would be able to learn different things about them about there way of life and without going to different places we would began to secluded ourselfs and think negative things of each other. Doing this we would learn about each other and learn as people how to grow.

The second thing i would want to accomplish before my life ends on earth is to do something that would change the life of someone in need. In this life there are always people in need ether they can't find a job, are starving, there sick and need some kind of medicine to help cure them of what is making the sick. We help people for many reasons but we should never help someone for personal gain. By helping each other we would be able to prevent allot of tradages that come from poverty like death and by helping each other we would be able to life in new different ways.

The third thing i would like to do before i die is to at least make a large amount of money i would say 2 or 3 million if I'm lucky in life. I'm a very generous person so for as long as i could think back i never could keep allot of my money. Money in this world is very important it allows we to buy food, places to live and etc, money is also a bad thing also even though most wars and attacks have been cause for the need of money it's also a good thing. Money is a very important thing to humanity and if i had allot of money i would use it to help fund research for disses and to make my family's live better.

The fourth thing i would like to accomplish before my untimely death is to become a teacher and share the things that i have learned over the year and share it with the newer generation. For me i belive that by not knowing nothing of the past we leave open a door which will let history repeat it self and even if what we teach itsn't pretty its important stuff we need to know. The holicost was a horibel thing that happened during world war 2 and if we start saying things that it never happened we are leaving the door open to allow it to happen again. To humaity ignorance may be bliss but it's not a good thing even if the truth isn't something you want to hear you need to know it helps us try to change the people we are into better people and help pervent bad events from hapening.

The fifth and final thing i like to do before i die is i would like to become involved into ploitices. Politics for years people have been making laws and treatys with other nations to make life better for everyone in the world. I would like to be part of the goverment to help push for laws that would better the life in my contry and maybe for our naboring conrties as well. Politics are very important in human life it alows use to create not only better life for the people in our home contry but also it help better understand and better know our fellow man even if they live far away.

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